Upcoming Events 15 January 2017

Upcoming events in 2017

Research Day of the Department of Clinical Research at the 19th of January, Kleiner Hörsaal, Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung. Dr. Helena Seth-Smith will give a presentation on molecular epidemiology and typing of Burkholderia during a Swiss wide outbreak. Scientific poster will include work from Dr. Dominik Meinel on Whole Genome Sequencing of M. tuberculosis and antibiotic resistance profiling; Dr. Christian Gehringer will show data on rapid Urinary tract infection assessments using urine flow cytometry.

Research Day of the Department of Biomedicine at the 26th of January, Kleiner Hörsaal, Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung. PD Dr. Adrian Egli will present his research group and the scientific activities from host-specific immunity to pathogen transmission within a population.