Welcome Sina 24 February 2025
We warmly welcome Sina Leutenegger to our team. She will do her 6-month MSc thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences with us. Yuki will supervise her on her project on creating a new MALDI-TOF library using sinapic acid. Welcome!
Congratulations Helena!!! 20 February 2025
Our former deputy of the lab, Dr. Helena Seth-Smith, has been awarded the “Habilitation” from the University of Zurich – the “venia legeni” allows Helena to teach at the University. It is a recognition of her hard work in the field of microbial genomics. Helena, we are very proud and congratulate you. We look forward to reading many more scientific papers from you and your students.
Yearly lab cleaning 20 February 2025
Once every year, we all clean up the lab. 🧼🧪
Drawers are emptied, the benches are scrubbed. 🏺✨
Freezers defrosted, the hoods shine like new. ❄️🧊
Shelves are in order, the clutter is gone. 📦🚮
Music was blasting, we sang as we worked. 🎶🎤
Secret performers took over the mic. 🎙️😆
Laughing and cleaning, the day felt like fun. 😂🧹
Now our lab sparkles, all ready to go. ✨🔬

Welcome new students!!! 03 February 2025
We are very pleased to welcome two new students Lars Binder and Araney Thurairatnam to our research group.
Lars, a medical informatics student (ZHAW) will develop an IT interface between the QPix, the MALDI-TOF, and DiData as part of his Bachelor's thesis and Araney will do a 6-month internship in the GvHD project. We wish both of them a great start in the world of microbiology research.
Welcome Janis!!! 03 February 2025
We are very pleased to welcome Janis Rogenmoser to the group. Janis has joined the group as a PhD candidate and will work on UTIs and nanoparticles. We wish him all the best.
Farewell Désirée 27 September 2024
Désirée bids adieu to the group. We thank Désirée for her excellent technical assistance in the lab and wish her good luck.
Welcome Eleonora!!! 02 December 2024
We are pleased to welcome Eleonora Pronzini to the group. Eleonora will work with Zoey on the Capnocytophaga project for her master's thesis, and we wish her a great start.
AMR Awarness week - Mystery pathogen quiz 15 November 2024
Guess the Pathogen: In diesem Ratespiel kannst du dein Wissen in Mikrobiologie auf die Probe stellen, indem du fünf für antimikrobielle Resistenz (AMR) relevante Krankheitserreger erraten sollst. Diese Bakterien sind dafür bekannt, Antibiotikabehandlungen zu widerstehen und stellen besondere Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen dar.
Guess the Pathogen: In this game, you’ll put your microbiology knowledge to the test by identifying five AMR-relevant pathogens. These bacteria are known for their ability to withstand antibiotic treatments, posing unique challenges in healthcare settings.
Please find the link for the quiz here
Welcome Ana Gabriela!!! 01 October 2024
We are very pleased to welcome Ana Gabriela from Colombia. Ana will spend a year in the lab to pursue her bachelor's thesis and internship, she will work heavily on the AMREvo project with Elisa.
Observerships @AMRlab 01 October 2024
We recently had a super motivated high school student, Caroline, doing a 2 weeks observership with us. Caroline followed our technicians, got a good insight into how a microbiology lab works, learned different techniques, methods and machines and impressed us all with her curiosity and proactivity... We hope we could strengthen that spark that she has. Hopefully, we have another encounter with her as a future Biology student! :D
If you are a high schooler, interested in (micro)biology, and eager to get a real-life insight into how things work in a research group, feel free to contact us!
Welcome Anna Diversi!!! 27 August 2024
We are very pleased to welcome our new lab technician Anna Diversi. We wish Anna all the best in her new role and a wonderful start in Zurich!!!
Congratulations Priya!!! 20 August 2024
Hearty congratulations to Priya on her successful master's thesis defense on fungal genomics. We thank Priya for her efforts in establishing fungal genome sequencing with ONT and wish her all the best.
Congratulations Thivya!!! 20 August 2024
We congratulate Thiviya Punniyamoorthy for her excellent bachelor thesis on skin microbiome control. She has successfully defended her thesis during the exam at the Fachhochschule Nordwest Schweiz. Thank you for your engagement and hard work for the group. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
IMM Beer 24 July 2024
As the microbiologists meet the microbes in brewing, it results in a Raspberry Sour. We are delighted to announce the in-house IMM beer. Please see the attached recipe.
If you are an enthusiastic genomics detective, please have a look at the cgMLST of the L. plantarum and the yeast genome comparisons on the 2nd page of the recipe pdf.
As the recipe is open-sourced, so are the genomes in ENA under PRJEB78950 and can also be downloaded from NCBI making the IMM beer truly a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and an impeccable beer!!!
We like to thank Dr. Helena Seth-Smith for kindly providing her expertise on the cgMLST analysis and for the data upload to ENA.

Welcome Joy!!! 05 Aug 2024
We are pleased to welcome Joy Scherrer, who will do her one-year apprenticeship in our lab. We wish her a wonderful and interesting time with lots of new techniques to learn.
Helena sets sail to her own research group 30 July 2024
Helena has been a core member of AMR for many years, bringing her expertise, passion, and friendliness to the table. She is now launching a new phase with her own research group. Her focus is on obtaining genomes from clinical samples without culture. For more information on Enriching Microbiology, be sure to check her website:
She is very grateful for the opportunities, interactions and support over the years within AMR. We look forward to future exchanges and continued collaborations. Here’s to many more years of groundbreaking research and enriching the world of microbiology!
AMR Lab retreat 2024 in Walensee 25 June 2024
The AMR group had a wonderful 2-day retreat in the beautiful Walensee, Even though the weather was in low spirits, the group was in high spirits enjoying the swim and cruise in Walensee. We also had a range of scientific sessions on publishing, pitching, and the role of ChatGPT in research. We are already looking forward to the 2025 retreat!!!.

Updates about AMR research group reorganisation 01 July 2024
We have some significant updates to share about our research group. As we continue to evolve and grow, we must also acknowledge the contributions and departures of key team members who have been instrumental in our success.
SYMS 2024 07 June 2024
The group had a wonderful time at the 4th Swiss Young Microbiologists Symposium (SYMS) and thoroughly enjoyed the scientific talks and the social part of the symposium.

Farewell Elena 24 April 2024
Elena bids adieu to the group. We thank Elena for her excellent assistance in developing new PCR assays for studying nasal microbes and wish her good luck in her future endeavors.
Master's thesis in bioinformatics pipeline development 11 June 2024
Our research group at the Institute of Medical Microbiology of the University of Zurich (UZH) is looking for a Master's student to perform a project aimed at developing a bioinformatics pipeline using Nextflow to automate the analysis of 16S sequencing data with QIIME2 for microbiome characterization.
To apply, please send your updated CV and motivation letter to Dr. Ashley Rooney (Thesis mentor, email: and Prof. Adrian Egli (Institute director, email:
Start date: Flexible
Please find more information on the project description.
ESCMID Global a.k.a ECCMID2024 01 May 2024
The AMR research group had a wonderful time at ESCMID Global 2024 (ECCMID) Barcelona, with successful poster talks, and poster sessions from the PhD students. Helena gave an interesting talk on Empowering young microbiologists in bioinformatics about the importance of quality control and tools. Tim had a successful bioinformatics pipeline corner with a fantastic lineup of speakers involved in microbial bioinformatics. For more insights from ECCMID 2024 please see the posts here. We thank everyone for their enthusiastic participation and feedback. See you soon in Vienna for ECCMID 2025 with exciting scientific presentations from the group.
Citizen science project - Oral microbiome 28 May 2024
Together with the Kanti Wattwil, we are currently doing a Citizen Science Project focusing on the oral microbiome – if you are interested in participating, please check out this QR code – it is linked to a questionnaire (in German) to capture some knowledge on the microbiome. By filling out the form you can participate in this project with high school students. Please see the LinkedIn post for more information.

Welcome Ashley Rooney! 02 April 2024
We are very pleased to welcome Ashley Rooney to our research group. Ashley has joined our group as a Post-Doc, where she will be working on metagenomics with ONT. We wish Ashley a great start.
Welcome Mariella Greutmann! 02 April 2024
We are very pleased to welcome Mariella Greutmann to our group. Mariella will work on bacterial evolution in patients with prolonged antibiotic treatment. We wish her a great start.
Adrian's inaugural lecture 09 March 2024
With great pleasure Prof.Dr.Dr. Adrian Egli gave his inauguration lecture on the topic "Why do bacteria make us sick?". Many thanks to all the people who attended in person and online for this personal and very special moment. Please find the link for the talk here.
How much should we sequence? - Swiss SARS-CoV-2 surveillance 18 March 2024
We are happy to share our latest publication on How much should we sequence? An analysis of the Swiss SARS-CoV-2 surveillance effort. Congrats Fanny for the amazing work. We would also like to thank all our colleagues involved in the project.
Welcome to new students! 11 March 2024
A warm welcome to our three (!) new students!
Thiviya does her BSc at the FHNW and will do an internship for 6 months, supervised by Tim.
Priya, an MSc student at the VU Amsterdam, will do her Master's project for 6 months, supervised by Fanny and Adrian.
Laze does his MSc at ETH and will do a 12-week internship, supervised by Diana.
We wish you all a good start!
Vera's successful poster!!! 22 February 2024
Vera Bregy, our project intern, attended her first conference, the ChlamHealth conference in Ascona. She wonderfully presented work from our STIDirect project and generated a lot of interest.

Clean, cleaner, Lab cleaning day! 06 Feb 2024
🎤🧼 To a wild arrangement of iconic pop songs, we gathered to do our yearly lab cleaning day and had great fun!
❄️🧽 All the freezers are emptied, defrosted, cleaned and re-organised and the lab experienced a super thorough deep clean
🫧✨ Even though it was cleaning, it was a fun day activity for the whole lab. Cheers to a super tidy and clean lab!

Christmas Dinner! 23 January 2024
We had a lovely Christmas group dinner at the Alpenrose, filled with good food and lively chats.

Farewell Marco 31 January 2024
Marco leaves us for pastures new. We thank Marco for his contributions to 16s metagenomics sequencing and analysis. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Welcome Eline Meijer! 03 January 2024
We extend a very warm welcome to Eline Meijer. Eline has joined the group as a PhD candidate in the Data science program. We wish her a great start.
Happy holidays! 20 December 2023
To wrap up the year and dive into the holiday season, the lab gang ventured to the Christmas Market for some merry mulled wine and tasty tacos... What a mouthwatering treat! 🍷 🌮
We wish you all a wonderful holiday and can't wait to unwrap the projects and research that lie ahead in 2024!

Welcome Désirée! 01December 2023
We are delighted to welcome our new research assistant Désirée Tischli to our group. We wish Désirée a wonderful start in the lab.
Welcome Elena! 01 December 2023
We are very pleased to welcome our new research assistant Elena Melgarejo Ros to our lab. We wish Elena a very great start.
Expedition to Jungfraujoch
🏔️ A field expedition to 3500m as a microbiologist? check!
👩🔬Moving a wet lab including two incubators and 2'110 agar plates? check!
❄️Snowstorms in August? check!
Read here about our expedition to the Jungfraujoch, investigating the air microbiome with collaborators from Singapore!

Microbiota Vault in Razor Science show 26 Septemeber 2023
Check out our latest microbiota vault film by Razor Science show on YouTube
Welcome Vera! 05 September 2023
We are very pleased to welcome our new intern Vera Bregy to the group. Vera will have hands-on experience in extracting DNA from Chlamydia species using Agilent Sureselect probes. We wish Vera a good start to her internship.
Welcome Klara! 02 August 2023
We are very delighted to welcome Klara Haldimann to the group as our new lab technician. We wish her a great start in the lab.
Vanni's Master Celebration 25 July 2023
We congratulate Vanni on successfully defending his Master's Thesis! Of course, this called for a spontaneous lab trip to the pub.
After some well-deserved holidays, Vanni will return to our lab as a Software engineer and Bioinformatician. Cheers to you, Vanni! 🍻🎓

Lab move completed 14 July 2023
Through great teamwork, we successfully completed our relocation from Basel to Zurich, and have now our complete sample collection united, stored and inventoried in Zurich.

AMR lab retreat in Kandersteg!!! 20 June 2023
We had an amazing two-day lab retreat in Kandersteg packed with speed networking, data management workshops, and a hike down to Oeschinensee.

Christina's farewell 05 May 2023
Christina leaves us for pastures new. We thank Christina for her contributions to the group and wish her good luck!!!
Viviane bids adieu 23 June 2023
Viviane has successfully finished her internship with us. We thank Vivi for helping us to optimize the nanopore 16s ribosomal operon sequencing and wish her good luck.
Ashim's last day 30 June 2023
Ashim has successfully completed his rotation in UZH and moving to Biozentrum in Basel to continue his Ph.D. journey. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Swiss Young Microbiologist Symposium 02 June 2023
We participated at the 3rd annual Swiss Young Microbiologist Symposium 🔬
Here is a short report and some photos

Welcome Ana Maria! 01 June 2023
We are very happy to welcome our new lab technician Ana Maria to our group. We wish Ana a very good start in the lab.
Visit from Tanzania 25 May 2023
Last week, we trained colleagues Veronica Misana and Nasoro Lilolime from the Ifakara Health Institute as well as Venessa Trefzer from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Illumina library prep and sequencing of TB isolates on the MiSeq. We wish them good luck in setting up a sequencing workflow in their respective labs!

New grant award 9 May 2023
Congratulations to Helena Seth-Smith for her successful grant award from the Bangeter-Rhyner Stiftung. In a project "STIDirect" she will be experimenting with genome sequencing of STI bacteria directly from patient samples, and aims to develop Sureselect target enrichment capabilities in the lab.
Welcome Karina from Argentina! 08 May 2023
We warmly welcome Karina, a PhD student from Buenos Aires, joining us for 6 months! She will be analysing genomes of Chlamydia trachomatis.
Spring apéro 04 May 2023
Nine months after arriving in Zurich, we are officially all settled in the (wet) lab. Time for an apéro! Here are some pictures.

Welcome Claudia, Karl and Noel! 02 May 2023
A warm welcome to Claudia, our new lab technician, to Karl, an intern in his gap year between high school and university, and to Noel, who is doing part of his BSc thesis in our lab! We are delighted to see our group growing with so many new faces.
Keynote by Adrian in ECCMID 23 15 April 2023
Adrian gave an interesting keynote lecture on Digitalization and Machine learning in microbiology at the 33rd ECCMID in Copenhagen. Please find the link to download the presentation.
Microbiota Vault in the Media 29 March 2023
Our project of preserving the human microbiota received fabulous resonance in Swiss media; here is an overview
5th Global Science Film Festival 31st March 2023
The 5th Global Science Film Festival took place from 31.03. - 02.04.2023 in Bangalore, Basel, Lugano, Mumbai, New Delhi, Osaka, Shanghai, and Zurich.
Under the slogan "Reconnecting Science & Society", nine full-length films were aired. Amongst those was the film "The Invisible Extinction", that addresses the vanishing diversity of our microbiome and efforts to conserve these bacteria for possible future applications. This movie also touches upon the "Microbiota Vault" project we are heavily involved in. After the film a podium discussion was held where Adrian joined as an expert and answered some interesting questions from the audience.
All movies are great examples of excellent science communication and highly recommended to watch! The link to the website of the film festival can be found here. We believe it is crucial to communicate findings from research with the public to raise awareness and increase the understanding of scientific issues.

Successful Blockcourse BIO296 06 April 2023
Marking the beginning of our undergraduate teaching here at UZH, we developed and taught a block course on microbial bioinformatics for Bachelor and Master students of both UZH and ETH Zurich! Read more about it here

Welcome Viviane Tinner!!! 20 February 2023
We are very happy to welcome our new intern Viviane to the group. Viviane will be working in 16s ribosomal operon sequencing using the long read nanopore sequencing platform. Have a great start Viviane.
Welcome Christina Fäh!!! 15 February 2023
We are very delighted to welcome Christina to our research group. Christina will be working as a lab technician and we wish her a great start.
New Maldi-TOF arrived!!! 13 January 2023
A new MALDI Biotyper Sirius has arrived to the AMR lab. Happy faces of our team members means cool research on the way!!!

Welcome Zoey Germuskova 03 Jan 2023
We are very happy to welcome Zoey to our group for her Phd. Zoey will work on Capnocytophaga canimorsus. We wish her a great start for the Phd.
Welcome back Aline 12 Dec 2022
We are very delighted to welcome back Aline Cuénod. Aline has joined the group as a Post-Doc to setup the MALDI-TOF pipeline. We wish Aline a great start.
Welcome Elisa Sosa 05 Dec 2022
We are pleased to welcome Elisa to our group. Elisa will spend some time with our group as an intern learning the sequencing techniques. We wish Elisa a great start.
Welcome Ashim Kumar Dubey 08 Nov 2022
We are pleased to welcome Ashim to our group. As a part of his NCCR Antiresist Phd program, Ashim will spend some time with our group in learning whole genome sequencing of E.coli isolates. We wish Ashim a great start.
Zurich, here we come! 01 Aug 2022
The Applied Microbiology Research lab starts its next adventure at the Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Zurich ( Our research focus will remain on host-pathogen interaction and risk profiling of bacterial pathogens. Please check out the Institute website: to learn more about the Institute – its diagnostic and research focuses.We look forward to meet and collaborate with new colleagues!

AMR Lab retreat in Engelberg 27 June 2022
We had a lovely lab retreat at the Engelberg filled with science, brainstorming sessions in boats, glacier walk and beautiful views.

Farewell Michéle 31 May 2022
We thank Michéle for the great master thesis work and the following two months in developing bioinformatics pipeline. Your help to develop a new AMR tool and to transfer this into routine applications was very important. It was great to work with you and thank you for all the great moments!. Wish you all the best for your future endeavours.
Congratulations Michèle 04 March 2022
Michèle has successfully submitted her Master's thesis. Her thesis work was focussed on benchmarking bioinformatics pipeline for resistance gene prediction from whole genome sequencing data.
Congratulations Dr. Aline Cuénod!!! 03 March 2022
Hearty congratulations to Aline for her very successful PhD thesis defence with high impact publications. We celebrated it with an amazing pizza dinner at the Vito's.

We are moving to Zurich!!! 31 March 2022
After 9 years in Basel, Adrian Egli was elected as Professor of Medical Microbiology and new Director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the University of Zurich.
In August 2022, our research team will move from the “Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung” in Basel to our new home on Gloriastrasse in Zurich ( We want to thank all our many wonderful collaboration partners both in and outside Basel – these interactions are very important to us. Thank you and more details of our move will follow.
Microbiota vault in swissinfo 24 Feb 2022
We are involved in the pilot project of the Microbiota Vault. Our goal currently is to identify ideal conditions for long storage. If you want to see more about this please check the following article here
Welcome Denise 14 February 2022
Denise Waelchli has joined our group for her Bachelor's thesis. We extend a warm welcome and wish her good luck for the project.
Paper about SARS-CoV-2 in schools 28 Jan 2022
Please find our recent preprint on SARS-Cov2 breakout analysis in schools located at Basel through WGS and contact tracing.
Aline submitted her PhD thesis! 25 January 2022
Huge congratulations to Aline Cuénod on submitting her PhD thesis. It's a fantastic piece of work, including many published papers, and we are sure that her examiners will also think so!

AMR prediction from MALDI-TOF mass spectra 10 January 2022
Very excited to announce that our paper on predicting AMR from MALDI-TOF mass spectra is out now Nature Medicine!
Many thanks to everyone involved, fantastic collaboration with the research group of Prof. Karsten Borgwardt at ETHZ and colleagues at the interface of data science and biomedicine!
Welcome to 2022! 1 January 2022
We would like to wish all our team, collaborators, readers, families and all and sundry a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hoping for further interesting projects, successful collaborations, accepted manuscripts, and great team interactions this year!
Omicron diagnosis by PCR 10 December 2021
We hope that our publication on how easily the Omicron variant can be diagnosed using various diagnostic PCR tests, will be useful. This was the fastest publication that we have ever produced. Huge thanks to all involved.
Giovanni's project comes to an end 30 November 2021
Dr Giovanni Ghielmetti carried out a fantastic project with us over the past 6 months, learning hand on sequencing, as well as many bioinformatics principles and tools. He also brought a lot to the group, investigating options and reading into topics. His work on Campylobacter will be published next year!
Celebrating Christmas! 7 December 2021
Who says you can't have fun on zoom?! With a lovely Gourmet dinner each, partly to prepare at home, good chats and a VERY special guest star, we whiled away some fun hours and felt the season's spirit! HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!

SARS-CoV2 EQA Paper 11 November 2021
Kindly check out our new paper on SARS-CoV-2 sequencing quality with contributions from 7 countries. Thank you Fanny for this great work!. Thanks to all the colleagues supporting this EQA.
Please find the paper here
Alfredo leaves us for pastures new 22 October 2021
We are sad to say Goodbye to Alfredo: it's been a pleasure working with him and we wish him all the best for the future.

Creux du van Retreat 31 August 2021
We had an amazing lab retreat at Creux du van. A day filled with an exhilarating hike, cheese, fine food and fascinating views, including steinbock!!!

Welcome Yukino Gütlin 16 September 2021
We are very pleased to welcome Yukino. She has joined our group as a Lab technician. We wish Yukino a great start.
Aline's paper in Genome medicine 13 September 2021
We congratulate Aline Cuénod to her recent publication. The paper focuses on exploring invasiveness and antibiotic resistances of various Klebsiella species. Whole genome sequencing data was used to improve the species resolution of MALDI-TOF MS. Kindly find the paper here.
Welcome Michèle Leemann 06 September 2021
Michèle has joined our group to carry out her Master's thesis. We extend a warm welcome to Michèle and wish her a great start.
Paper in Infectious Diseases 20 August 2021
Congratulations to Jana Linnik - a former PhD student co-supervised with Prof. Stelling ( from ETZ. The paper ( explores important host derived risk factors for influenza vaccine failure or success in immunocompromised patients at risk for severe influenza infection.
Welcome Alexander Gensch 09 August 2021
We are very pleased to welcome Alexander to the group, as our Laboratory Technician and wish him a great start.
Welcome Laurent Stöger 02 August 2021
Laurent has joined our group for his observership program. We extend a warm welcome to Laurent and wish him a great start.
Michael finishes his project 25 June 2021
Michael also leaves us this week, having completed his project. We enjoyed your time with us and we wish you the best for the future!
Myrta's last day 22 June 2021
We are sorry to say goodbye to Myrta. She has brought fantastic geographic insights to our lab and we wish her well in her next role.
Madlen leaves us for pastures new 21 June 2021
Many thanks to Madlen for her valuable work and contributions to the SARS-CoV-2 analysis efforts in the lab. We wish you very well in your future role!
Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study 22 June 2021
With great pleasure we present our official website for our Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study funded by the Swiss Personalized Health Network, Personalized Health and Related Technologies - a driver project for biomarker discovery and data sharing between all Swiss University Hospitals and Universities and the ETH.
We wish Jana all the best 8 June 2021
Dr. Janina Linnik is leaving our group for pastures new, after a successful PhD. It's been an absolute pleasure to work with her, and the learning was definitely on both sides. We are thrilled that she has landed her dream job, and we wish her all the best for her future!
Welcome to Dr Giovanni Ghielmetti - visiting scientist 31 May 2021
We are pleased that Dr Giovanni Ghielmetti is joining our team for 6 months as a visiting scientist. He will be analysing Campylobacter genomes and we look forward to sharing expertise with him!
Can WGS replace ribotyping? 1 June 2021
We are pleased that our paper on WGS comparison with ribotyping in Clostridioides difficile has been published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Please have a read!
Paper in Nature Microbiology 28 May 2021
Great work just published in Nature Microbiology on the development of an oral vaccine inducing immunoglobulin A in the murine gut, directing the evolution of attenuated Salmonella variants. This work was spearheaded by Emma Slack and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt (both ETH Zürich)and Médéric Diard from Universität Basel and their teams. Very proud that our team Universitätsspital Basel (USB) could contribute to this.
New Lab Group Picture 28 May 2021
Our team is ever expanding!
And is reflected now up-to-date in our new group picture, courtesy of Stefan Auf der Maur.
Publication clarifying identity of Cutibacterium / Propionibacterium humerusii 14 May 2021
Our publication describing how skin microbiome member and pathogen Cutibacterium modestum and “Propionibacterium humerusii” represent the same species that is commonly misidentified as Cutibacterium acnes has just gone online. Enjoy!
Welcome Dr Marco Meola 16 April 2021
Dr Marco Meola joined our group as a Post Doc. We are very pleased to welcome him and wish him a great start.
Dr Veronika Muigg joins the team 1 April 2021
Dr Veronika Muigg brings her expertise in family medicine and tropical medicine to the group, as she starts at the Division of Clinical Bacteriology and Mycology with her FAMH training. Welcome!
Visiting research support from Dr Michael Biggel 1 March 2021
We are excited and grateful that Dr Michael Biggel from the Institute for Food Safety and Hygiene at the University of Zurich is taking on a couple of small projects for us. We look forward to exploiting your expertise!
Dr Fanny Wegner joins our group 6 April 2021
We are pleased to add another member to the group. Dr Fanny Wegner has joined us as a PostDoc continuing our research into SARS-CoV-2. Welcome!
MALDI-TOF QC study published 30 March 2021
MALDI-TOF MS is the most commonly used tool for bacterial species identification in clinical routine diagnostics. A remaining challenge in bacterial identification is mass spectra quality, which is currently only vaguely defined. In this study published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, we aimed to define quantitative proxies for mass spectral quality and elaborate simple protocols to maximize these in routine diagnostics. We acquired MALDI-TOF mass spectra of 47 diverse bacterial strains under various conditions. We identify five mass spectral features as good proxies for mass spectral quality, as they are correlated with correct species identification using three different databases. These features include the number of ribosomal marker peaks and the total intensity of a spectrum. Over all isolates included in this study, we find that a young bacterial colony age, applying little bacterial material and overlaying the sample with formic acid yields the highest mass spectral quality. We show that by reliably detecting marker peaks MALDI-TOF mass spectra allows for higher resolution typing, also distinguishing between closely related species e.g. within the Klebsiella pneumoniae complex, the Staphylococcus aureus complex and within viridans streptococci.
SARS-CoV-2 Basel phylogeny paper is published! 22 March 2021
During the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland, we aimed to sequence all positive cases from Basel-City, the core of a larger metropolitan region with a commuter catchment area, and successfully did so for 63% of all detected cases. The first case of SARS-CoV-2 in Basel, Switzerland was detected on February 26th 2020.
We set up a COVID-19 Analysis Pipeline (COVGAP) to QC raw reads, assemble whole-genomes, and call mutations from Illumina sequencing data (freely available on our github).
We analysed viral genetic diversity using PANGOLIN taxonomic lineages and performed phylogenetic analyses to infer spread within the city.
We found that a particular variant, B.1-C15324T, accounted for 68% of cases in Basel. Some of the cases could be linked via epidemiological data to a known super-spreading event in the Alsace suggesting a local spreading event in the larger Basel area.
This study demonstrates the strength of molecular surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in a city, especially when being linked with epidemiological data.
Vanni joins us for his Bachelor's thesis 9 March 2021
We are pleased that Vanni Benvenga has joined the AMR team for his Bachelor's thesis. We welcomed him with a small, distanced event.

Danica joins the lab team 2 January 2021
We are happy that Danica Nogarth is joining the lab team from today. Welcome to the AMR group!
Srinithi joins us to begin her PhD 16 December 2020
We are very pleased to welcome Srinithi Purushothaman to the AMR group for her PhD. In normal times we'd celebrate better than with just a zoom coffee...
Welcome to Stefanie Heller 1 December 2020
We are pleased to welcome Stefanie Heller to the lab, as our latest Laboratory Technician. Sorry we can't hang out much at the moment, Stefanie, but we're very happy you've joined us!
Good luck to Ann Kathrin 13 November 2020
A sad farewell to Ann Kathrin after her 11 week internship with us. Good luck with the bachelors. We hope to see you again!

A tour de force review by Madlen 5 November 2020
We recommend this amazing review on biodiversity, ecosystems and genomics, in Nature Reviews Genetics, by Dr Madlen Stange.
A sad day: Yaseen leaves us for pastures new 25 September 2020
After his very successful years in the AMR team, Yaseen has finished his PhD and numerous publications, and is moving to fresher fields. We will miss him greatly. As important as anything else, he can give a great party!

Congratulations to Madlen on her Professorship! 1 December 2020
Dr Madlen Stange in our team has been awarded a Leibniz Professorship at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK) - Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity. We hope that she has enjoyed her distraction with viral genomes, we look forward to the next few months working with her, and wish her the best for her professorship!
Influenza phylogenomics paper accepted by PLOS pathogens 14 September 2020
Our group worked with Tanja Stadler's group on "Characterising the epidemic spread of Influenza A/H3N2 within a city through phylogenetics", just accepted in PLOS Pathogens. Well done!
Yaseen's final paper with the group is accepted by Cell Reports 17 September 2020
Congratulations to Yaseen on the acceptance of his paper "Interferon-λ enhances the differentiation of naïve B-cells into plasmablasts via mTORC1 pathway" to Cell Reports! Great work!
Farewell Apero for Alex 21 August 2020
Our farewell to Alex was our first event in months, and also an opportunity to celebrate Josi's time with us. Still under COVID-19 restrictions, but very nice to have a social interaction with the group!

We welcome Ann-Kathrin Schlotterbeck 1 September 2020
We are pleased that Ann-Kathrin Schlotterbeck is joining us for a two month internship. We hope you learn lots!
Welcome to Myrta Brunner 11 August 2020
We are pleased that Myrta Brunner is joining our group 20% as a student research assistant. Following her BA in religious studies and geography, she is now studying the interdisciplinary MA religion – economics – politics.
Lunch meetings again! 18 June 2020
Fun visit by Aitana to discuss projects and celebrate bioinformatics and good food!

Welcome Kirstine! 1 May 2020
We warmly welcome Dr. Kirstine Kobberoee Soegaard in our research group. Kirstine moved to Basel from Denmark, where she did a training in clinical microbiology and has a PhD in clinical statistics. Here in Basel, Kirstine who works parts in clinical microbiology routine diagnostics but also parts in research projects. She currently helps with a few SARS-CoV-2 related projects. Welcome and have a good start!
Research in times of a pandemic 27 April 2020
The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has a tremendous impact on individual life - especially for the elderly. The public health measures were necessary to control the ongoing viral transmission and protect high risk groups. The University of Basel and our Department contributed to these measures - research activities slowed down for most of us. My research team helped in the routine diagnostics of the University Hospital Basel to manage the large amount of samples from COVID-19 patients. In addition, my team rapidly established a protocol to sequence SARS-CoV-2! The sequences have been shared via Nextstrain. Thereby we contribute to molecular epidemiology to better understand the transmission. Finally, we help with data structuring and analysis from the Hospitals Clinical Data Warehouse. We also help to build various biobanks and submited ethical and research proposals. This would not be possible with such a great team and the hard work of all members of my research group! It is a difficult time for all of us, but you all make the best of it and help with your dedication and enthusiasm! Thank you for this!
New publications 27 April 2020
Despite the coronavirus crisis, we contributed to two new publications: The first focusing on a rare pathogen Borrelia persica. Helena used a short-read shotgun metagenomic sequencing approach directly from blood to confirm the suspected species. The case is described together with colleagues from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.
The second paper focuses on the diagnosis of meningitis and encephalitis: which laboratory parameters provide the best prediction for a viral or bacterial pathogen? Using various statistical models, we explored which laboratory markers (cell counts, etc) had the best predictive power to rapidly determine if it is a viral or bacterial pathogen.
We welcome another new team member 27 April 2020
We are pleased that Dr Madlen Stange will be joining us to help with bioinformatic analysis. Welcome, Madlen!
Auf wiedersehen to Josiane 27 March 2020
Josiane Reist, who completed a very successful Masters with us and stayed as a lab technician, made a further leap in social distancing and will be moving on to pastures new. We thank her very much for all her hard work and wish her the best for her new position.
Two join the AMR lab! 23 March 2020
We are very pleased to welcome Diana Albertos Torres and Michael Schweitzer to the group. Given the current situation, we have yet to all meet in the flesh, but we are looking forward to lots of exciting research when we are let back in the lab!
Announcing "One-Health meets Sequencing" 2020 4 March 2020
Join us in Lucerne, Switzerland, on the 9th of June 2020 for our symposium on One-Health and Sequencing. Top speakers talking on this 1-day symposium about animal, human and environmental health and most innovative technologies. Supported by #SGLH and #NRP72. more info here ->
Daniela says goodbye 21 February 2020
Many thanks and a fond farewell to Daniela Lang, and best wishes for the future!
Thanks and farewell to Olivia 28 January 2020
We thank Olivia Grüninger for her work in our team (and cake!), and wish her the best for the future!
Helena's TEDXBaselWomen talk on STI evolution 20 January 2020
We are happy that Helena Seth-Smith's TEDxBaselWomen talk is now online. Please find 5 minutes to watch it, if you want to know how STIs become invisible to diagnosis.

Happy New Year 2020! 7 Jan 2020
Wishing all our readers, collaborators and fellow scientists a very happy and successful 2020.
Digitalization and Infectious Diseases: Register now! 17 December 2019
One month left for the conference on digitalization and infectious diseases. Please register here. It is a great program with highly interesting talks!

NCCR AntiResist 16 December 2019
We are proud to be part of the NCCR AntiResist team to better understand antibiotic resistance. The NCCR is led by the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and involves research groups from Basel, Zurich, Lausanne, and Israel. The Swiss National Science Foundation is supporting this NCCR in its initial funding phase from 2020 – 2023 with 17 million Swiss francs.
Visiting guest Dan Frampton 6 December 2019
We thank Dr Dan Frampton for his brilliant talk on Influenza Genomics in hospital outbreaks. He shared insights into the i-sense programme of the University College London.

Adrian promoted to Professor 22 November 2019
Adrian Egli was promoted to Professor in Experimental Medicine on the 22nd of November. Thanks to all the supporters and collaborators!
MinIon sequencing begins in AMR group 11 December 2019
We have entered the ONT world! Our first MinIon run is a success, and we are looking forward to further projects aimed at bringing this into routine diagnostics.
Tschuss to Daniel 16 August 2019
Today was our last day working with Dr Daniel Wüthrich, who is moving to a different position in Bern. We have made great progress, and it has been a pleasure!
PhD celebrations with Yaseen! 26 September 2019
We congratulate Dr. Yaseen Syedbasha on his PhD defence today! It has been a pleasure to work with him over the last years. His list of publications is impressive!

Prof. Nick Thomson and the story of cholera 25 September 2019
Prof. Nick Thomson performed the clever trick of "Demystifying Cholera Global Epidemiology". A fascinating pathogen explained by a world expert.

New technical leader of NGS facility, Dr Tim Roloff 7 October 2019
A hearty welcome to Dr Tim Roloff, coming with experience at the FMI and Idorsia, who will advance our NGS facility even further!
Welcome to Dr Alfredo Mari, bioinformatician 1 October 2019
We are thrilled that Dr Alfredo Mari has joined us from the University of Tuebingen, to work on projects related to Personalised Health Basel.
Salmonella collaboration published in Nature 9 September 2019
We are very pleased that our collaboration "Salmonella persisters promote the spread of antibiotic resistance plasmids in the gut" has just been published in Nature.
Diphtheria review published 21 August 2019
We are please that our review on Whole Genome Sequencing for Surveillance of Diphtheria in Low Incidence Settings has just been published.
Europapark retreat 29 July 2019
A great retreat at Europapark celebrating the rollercoaster of scientific research, the highs of new team members and the lows of colleagues leaving...

Auritidibacter ignavus complete genome 19 July 2019
Comparison of a local isolate of Auritidibacter ignavus with global isolates. Published in Microbiology Resource Announcements.
Lawsonella clevelandensis publication 19 July 2019
Lawsonella clevelandensis: a novel emerging pathogen with very uncommon characteristics! Recently published in Clinical Microbiology and Infection.
Microbiome Seminar by Prof. Nicola Segata 22 July 2019
Many thanks to Prof. Nicola Segata for presenting an overview of his inspiring research in Trento. We very much enjoyed the discussions, and dinner!

Applied Microbiology Research group at STI Conference 15 July 2019
Helena presented her thoughts on bacterial STI genomes and diagnostics at the Vancouver ISSTDR/IUSTI conference.
Welcome to Olivia! 1 July 2019
We are very happy to welcome Olivia Grüningen to the Applied Microbiology Research team. She will be helping the project to move smoothly, as a Research Assistant. We look forward to working together!
Farewell to Ferdinando 12 June 2019
Today we bid a sad farewell to Dr Ferdinando Bonfiglio, who is moving to a position in Lugano. It won't stop us collaborating in the future though! All the best for your future!
Burkholderia outbreak published in EID 20 May 2019
We are pleased to announce that out (long-awaited!) paper describing the genomics of a Burkholderia outbreak has just been published in EID.
One Health meets Sequencing conference success! 21 May 2019
“One Health meets Sequencing”
What a great success! Almost 100 experts and interested people joined our first symposium in Switzerland on One Health and Sequencing. Important perspectives, data sharing, data protection and also concrete science and applications were discussed. Thanks to all the attendees and speakers and co-organizers!
More info at
One Health meets Sequencing 21 February 2019
New upcoming symposium on "One health meets sequencing". Bringing together leading experts in microbiology, epidemiology, infectious diseases and public health. Lucerne, Switzerland, 21st May 2019. Register now!

Visit from Prof. Willem van Schaik 8 May 2019
Many thanks to Professor Willem van Schaik for his visit and inspiring seminar on VRE. We hope to see you again soon!
ECCMID 2019 16 April 2019
A fun and successful ECCMID 2019 has just ended. Amsterdam was beautiful and welcoming, we presented talks and posters on novel diagnostics, the future of clinical microbiology, Chlamydia and more. We tussled with lobster and met Influenza! Till next year!

Emerging Klebsiella michiganensis 20 March 2019
Klebsiella michiganensis is an emerging new pathogen. Together with colleagues from St. Gallen, we helped to characterize the first KPC version of this bacterium in Europe.
Clinical impact of the Type 6 Secretion System in Campylobacter infection of humans 9 March 2019
Interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues from the Biozentrum and Children University Hospital resulting in a wonderful master thesis published by Jessica Agnetti et al.
Clearly, more studies are needed to understand the clinical impact of bacterial virulence factors.
Efflux pumps in MDR bacteria 6 March 2019
What is the contribution of efflux pumps to multi-drug resistance in bacteria?
Find out our latest thoughts here.
Visit from Dr Marc Bienias 5 March 2019
Exciting science on Interferon lambda with Dr. Marc Bienias from Dresden, followed by great art and food - Marc, was a pleasure to host you in Basel!

Prof. Paul Cullen's seminar and visit 14 March 2019
We were pleased to host Prof. Paul Cullen from Münster, to speak to us on "The re-emergence of meaning: laboratory medicine in a post-technical world". A fascinating and thought-provoking talk on the future of diagnosis and healthcare: Automation? Artificial Intelligence? Communication!
Followed by a fantastic dinner with further lively discussions.

Correct allocation of carbapenem treatment on ICUs? 26 February 2019
Screening first. Great paper by ID, ICU and microbiology colleagues at the University Hospital Basel. "ESBL-colonization at ICU admission: impact on subsequent infection, carbapenem-consumption, and outcome".
Interesting case report: Evolution of MDR pathogen - insights with whole genome sequencing 18 Februar 2019
A letter on "Genomic characterization of inpatient evolution of MRSA resistant to daptomycin, vancomycin and ceftaroline" recently published in J Antimicrob Chemother.
Two Wüthrich publications: Legionella and Influenza 5 Feb 2019
Interested in Legionella transmission in a city?
Or the best way to sequence influenza?
Dinner and board games with Prof. Dr. Nina Khanna's research group 10 January 2019
Thanks to Anne and Josiane for arranging a lovely evening with the research teams from the AMR group and Prof. Dr. Nina Khanna's group. Topically, we learnt how to play Krobs!

New mycobacterial species from Basel published 10 December 2018
We are pleased that our description of the new species Mycobacterium basiliense has been accepted by Frontiers in Microbiology
AMR Christmas Dinner 19 December 2018
As if a slap up meal weren't enough for Christmas team building, we also were challenged to Room Escape Basel, solving puzzles to reach the goal and escape the room. Super fun!

Keith Jolley's visit and seminar 19 December 2018
We very much enjoyed Keith Jolley's visit to Basel. He taught us a lot about the inner workings of PubMLST and BIGsDb, as well as explaining many front end features that we hadn't yet discovered.

Swiss Pathogen Surveillance Platform (SPSP) 18 December 2018
Building a pathogen surveillance platform for Switzerland, using whole genome sequencing, as a collaborative network with researchers, epidemiologists, public health experts, and microbiologists from Basel, Bern, Geneva and Lausanne! Find more info here or here.
Necrotising fasciitis - new description 14 December 2018
Great collaboration between infectious disease, surgery, intensive care and microbiology - new type of necrotizing fasciitis is suggested! Accepted this week by CID.
Visit to Cambridge: Antimicrobial resistance Wellcome conference 29 November 2018
The team bioinformaticians attended the "Antimicrobial Resistance – Genomes, Big Data and Emerging Technologies" conference at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. And of course, visited the home of the discovery of DNA!

Public lecture series: Mikroben unter uns 5 December 2018
“Mikroben unter uns” is a public lecture series at the beginning of 2019 in Basel, showing the fascinating world of microbes. Researchers and clinicians talk about daily challenges with viruses and bacteria and how we aim to develop new strategies against them.
Congratulations to Josiane Reist on her Masters 5 November 2018
We would like to congratulate Josiane Reist on the very successful conclusion of her Master of Science in Life Sciences from the University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. Her thesis is on "Chicken meat as a potential source of campylobacteriosis: a three year comparative study in the area of Basel, using Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)"
We are pleased to announce that she will be staying on with the group as a research assistant, and will be extending her Campylobacter study.
Prof. John Rossen seminar and visit 21 November 2018
We were very pleased to host Prof. John Rossen, University of Groningen today, for discussions about NGS in clinical microbiology, and his interesting seminar on “Personalised diagnostic tools to improve infection control of multi-drug resistant microorganisms”. The seminar was preceded by a short talk on “Campylobacter: surveillance of a foodborne pathogen in Basel over three years“, by Josiane Reist, and followed by a wonderful dinner, with wide ranging discussions.

Nicola Low seminar 11 June 2018
We were pleased to host Prof. Nicola Low from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Bern, today, talking about her work and presenting a fascinating seminar on "Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Switzerland: the story so far".
"Infection, Epidemiology and Technology" Seminar Series 9 January 2019
Our "Infection, Epidemiology and Technology" seminar series continues, with forthcoming presentations:
Microbials grant success 2 November 2018
We are pleased to share the news that we have been successful in a grant application for "Microbials: Direct Use of Micro-Organisms" from the Gerbert Rüf Stiftung. Our project will involve "Displacing ESBL".
Congratulations to Aline Cuénod on her Doc.Mobility grant success 30 October 2018
Aline Cuénod will spend 10 months of her PhD with Prof. Nick Thomson at the Sanger Institute, Cambridge, after a successful application to the SNF under their Doc.Mobility scheme
AMR group retreat at St Jakob Stadium, Basel 2 February 2018
Inspired by top-of-the-league team work, we had a great day sharing our work and brainstorming.

AMR group retreat at Pilatus 2018 11 October 2018
We enjoyed great science and fabulous views at Pilatus, brainstorming on projects and enjoying each others' company! Lots of ideas to follow up on...

Registration is open 03 June 2017
Registration is open:
Saturday, 2nd of September 2017 in Basel - "Whole genome sequencing for clinical microbiology: Translation into routine applications" - an international symposium with leading experts in the field!
Pre announcement 29 April 2017
Pre announcement:
Saturday, 2nd of September 2017 in Basel - "Next generation sequencing for clinical microbiology: Translation into routine applications" - an international symposium with interesting talks! Details will follow...
ECCMID 28 April 2017
Everyone is back from the ECCMID in Vienna. It was a huge success - 9 posters and 2 oral presentations!
New Content
Updated the lab members list and "realized" we are growing! Also new publications have been added.
New original article published 14 January 2017
New original article published by Rein Jan Piso as first author.
Monitoring Basel 23 December 2016
For the next influenza season we will monitor the City of Basel with next generation sequencing.
New original article published 30 August 2016
New original article published by Michael Osthoff as first author.
New original article published 09 September 2016
New original article published by Dominik Meinel as first author.
Various posters and oral presentations 8th to 12th April 2016: ECCMID in Amsterdam
Yaseen, Dominik V., Dominik M., Yvonne, and Adrian attended the 25th ECCMID in Amsterdam - various posters and oral presentations